Contact Us

Green Address

HIBC green

The indoor bowling green

Herga Indoor Bowls Club
Adjoining Harrow Leisure Centre
184 Christchurch Avenue
Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 8NW

Office Tel: 020 8863 7203


Company Management

President Eric Prior
Directors Brian Hearn (Chairman)
Brian Elbourn (Company Secretary)
Gary Welch
Eric Prior
Treasurer John Southgate
Colin King


Joint Bowling Committee

Chairman Brian Hearn
Club contact Tel: 020 8863 7203
Match Secretary Stephen Flain
Tel. 07400 471868
Competition Secretary (Men) Mort Mascarenhas
Tel: 07846 061 871
League Secretary Chris Daykin
Club Coach Bill Vass
Tel: 07759 911253

Please Note:
All queries relating to inter club fixtures will be dealt with by the Captain.
Queries relating to County and National competitions will be dealt with by Mort Mascarenhas, Tel: 07846 061 871

Company Details

Herga IBSC Ltd is a Registered Company, No. 1789270
Registered Company Address: 184 Christchurch Avenue, Wealdstone, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 8NW
VAT Number: 410977551